Friday 16 May 2014

First! Ha!

So this is my first post on this new blog, I should probably say a bit about what I want to do with it!

The other night, and I mean in the small hours, some time around 1.30am, I was inspired by something a friend of mine posted on Facebook. She was at a gig, with a friend, and a much-younger bloke said something really bloody patronising about how nice it was to see 'people like them' there. She ripped into him, basically told him he was out past his bed-time, nice one. So there's that, to start with, and then there's the fact that people are often surprised that I'm 40, with 4 children including 2 teens, soon to be 3, and then it will be 2 again because the eldest is currently 18. And I thought maybe I could write about what it's like going to gigs 'at my age' and the kind of music I like, which is all sorts (including some C&W, despite the title!) and maybe a bit of life as well on the side.

Really I should have started doing this ages ago, though, because I don't have any gigs coming up for ages and I'm not in the current production with the Gilbert and Sullivan society that I sing with, so I'm just going to end up reminiscing and talking about what I'm listening to and looking forward to and planning gig trips. I'll add my youtube channel here: It's nothing fancy, I'm pretty old-school about these things, might do something with it as I go along. And here's my flickr: You may recognise the chap in the cover photo... The 'life as well' stuff does crop up here too, mostly because it's a simple way to post to facebook, twitter and tumblr at the same time and I'm a bit of a social network ho' That'll do for an intro, welcome to the blog!

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