Sunday 25 May 2014

Godzilla. No spoilers, mate.

When the film finished, I turned to the blokeface and said, quietly so that the 7yo boy behind us didn't hear, "That's another of your shit films, mate!"

I didn't really mean it.

When Gareth Edwards' debut, Monsters, came out at the cinema, we went to see it.  The trailers had made it look like a classic alien-invasion action flick, but what we got was a beautifully made road-trip romance with monsters as the backdrop and circumstance, so at the end, someone behind the man turned to his friend and said "That was another of your shit films, mate!"  Not what he was expecting, at all.  It's become something of a running joke in our household, though, so thanks to said mate from us all, it goes along with "that was rubbish, I'm not making/eating/buying that again" when we've cleared our plates.  Edwards deserved the upgrade to fully-fledged studio-funded directing, and boy has he made good on the trust handed to him.

Godzilla has all the right ingredients: action, family melodrama, fabulously realised monsters, stunning reveals, brilliantly atmospheric cinematography and set design and a great, not-cheesy script.  Throw in a great cast of not-too-big stars and you have a winner, an absolute belter of a film, as I said earlier on twitter.  Familiar faces do pop up throughout, including that one guy you've seen somewhere before but now you can't place where in the film he was so you can't even look him up on the film's IMDB page.  Alexander Desplat's soundtrack is suitably bombastic and scene-setting, borrowing in places from Jaws, but not in a bad way.

Two thumbs way, way up for this one, and it's definitely a big-screen experience, if you can get to see it, do!  Mate.

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