Friday 23 May 2014

May 17th to 23rd

This week's catch-up reminders were:

Much Ado
Ticket buying

I guess the order of that lot's a bit disjointed, and I think I might just leave festivals for another post now that I've seen this year's Glasto line-up (I'm glad I'm not going, I'd have to clone myself about 4 times I think) but anyway, I'll start at the beginning.

 We watched the Joss Whedon adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing last weekend as part of the secondborn's English Lit exam prep. Bit late, given that the exam in question was on Tuesday, but anyway. It's quite a dark one, as Shakespearean comedies go, less fantastical than Midsummer Night's Dream, less whimsical than Twelfth Night. The plot revolves around deception, some benign and humorous, some very cynical and not funny at all. The adaptation was done so well, though it was distracting spotting all the Whedon alumnae. The strong cast work their roles well, from sharp-tongued Beatrice to dim-witted detective Dogberry, and the switch of casting a woman as the bad-guy's confidante Conrade doesn't harm things at all. There are some moments of brilliant physical comedy to add to the wordplay, and the setting of stylish, understated luxury suits the plot and sets the mood. I think I'll watch it again with the subtitles on though, just to keep up with the language and learn some more Shakespearean insults.

Karaoke! OK! I'm just saying that I need to use the Living Social deal I bought for a night at a karaoke bar. The last one I bought went unused as it wasn't organised in time, must not let that happen! The place has been done up since I last went, really looking forward to it. I was prolly going to say something about songs...

The problem with doing placemarkers for a weekly round-up is not always remembering what I was going to say about the thing. So earlier on when I started typing this, at the beginning of tonight's Amlin Challenge Cup final at Cardiff Arms Park (and before watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Castle, both excellent tv series that no doubt will get a more in-depth mention at some point), I had to wrack my brain a bit and then oh! Yes.  Last weekend's semi-finals were A Bit Nuts.  And Nigel Davies getting sacked, unsurprising but still...  But the thing I really wanted to say was something the eldest said the other day about football's centrality to 'lad culture' and the contrast with rugby's fanbase, it's much more varied in sex and age.  The blokeface remembers hearing someone in the legendary Shed at Kingsholm (I'm a Gloucester fan, he supports Harlequins.  I don't even know why but that's the way of it...) telling someone else off for swearing.  In the same way as roller derby leaves all the violence on the track, and then parties hard afterwards, rugby is the same way, there's no segregation of fans, there's no culture of violence between fans.  Rugby league has the same kind of reputation and atmosphere.  I'm writing this while catching up on the second half of the match, and as Stephen Myler lines up a kick at goal, a shout from the crowd was shooshed by the rest of the fans.  Can we all just appreciate for a moment the camaraderie and respect and actual fun here?  Yes?  Good.

So on to headphones!  *rant alert*  Dear Samsung, what possessed you to make your phone headphones with symmetrical leads?  And why can't I use the Nokia ones that I've been using with my Sony?  Oh and why was I using Nokia headphones with a Sony phone?  Because when I bought Sony headphones they only worked with an iphone so I gave them to one of the kids.  If anyone can recommend some decent in-ear headphones that work with the Galaxy S4 with phone controls and asymmetric leads so that I can take them out but still keep them handy, that come in at less than £30, I'd be really, really interested.  Really.

(and while I'm on the subject I will lament the demise of Breo's headphones, my Neptunes are on their last elbows, sadly.  Something with the same size ear-cups and similar sound quality for around £30 would go down well...)

Festivals, yes a separate post I think!  And then I can justify a Live at Leeds recap, maybe tomorrow while the secondborn is at Slam Dunk North.

Which leads me on to ticket buying!  I bought 1 ticket for said Slam Dunk, and 2 tickets to see The Maine at The Cockpit at the same time.  Because one of the tickets was e-ticket only, the others had to be too.  What?  So now if I want actual tickets, which I do, because they're nicer, and handy to have something for band members to sign if you happen to chat with them afterwards, I have to cancel that purchase and lose the booking fee, and then rebook.  Oh and I had to ring and get a letter from the ticket company so that the e-ticket for the thing tomorrow can be used by the secondborn, who I was buying it for.  What a flaming faff!  I know there are issues with touts and I know that it's my fault for not reading the small print, so the lost booking fee's going to be an idiot tax, but the fact that I can't buy a ticket, rock up myself with my ID and say 'I've bought this for this person' without getting a letter in advance is just a bit OTT I reck!

Right.  Time for bed.  And I will post more about music next week, I promise!  I still haven't listened to that Fort Hope album, for a start...

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