Friday 16 May 2014

May 10th to 16th 2014, part 1

One thing I'm going to do with this blog is do a weekly round-up post.  It might be the only thing I do on this blog, but I'm definitely going to do this one thing.  This week has been hard, really hard, because of kids and cats, so there hasn't been much music (or other cultural delights, which I will definitely throw in here and there, because, after all, this blog is mostly about what I do for fun, which is mostly but not entirely music-related) other than what I've listened to while I've been driving or working.  My favourite new band at the moment are Young Kato who I saw at the You Me At Six gig in Nottingham, along with Don Broco, so there's been a lot of that going on, but as they only have a few tracks on Spotify and don't have a CD out at all (when I find a scrobbling gadget I'll add one...) I made a playlist of their stuff on YouTube.  Playing it in the car (New car!  Bluetooth radio!  New phone!  Streaming music!  OMG!) is going to be making a right mess of my mobile data allowance, lol.

(I should add that Muse will always be my favourite band, I hope!  But there will always be new stuff that I find as I'm going along, obviously.)

Don Broco are also really good, fun live, interesting lyrics, I particularly like Yeah Man

(It was a little while ago so it's out of place in a weekly catch-up post but I should add a big-up for CapitalFM Arena's queue management, having toilets that queue-ers can use through the day is great, along with being able to collect will-call tickets all day, collecting blankets and jumpers to recycle/pass on to charities is brilliant, and a generally cheerful attitude is always welcome.  The area has shops very nearby, there are various parking options and overall it was a good gig-going experience beyond the actual gig.)

^ That will probably happen quite a lot seeing as I'm doing this when I've already been to a bunch of stuff...

Along with the brackets.  I do that a lot.  Sorry not sorry.

I won't go on about Live at Leeds just now, this post is too long already, and it wasn't this week anyway, but that was the last live event I went to so there will be a blog about that at some point...  Anyway, music, recorded.  I'm looking forward to listening to Fort Hope's new album, they're another support band that my regular gig-companion, the secondborn, and I enjoyed.  It's out now on iTunes etc and I've saved it on Spotify.  We bought their cds when we saw them, I do like doing that (Young Kato are you listening?!)

Right, it's late, I'm struggling to brain, I'm going to post this now and carry on later, because OMG Eurovision! And anyone who's been to my flickr will have spotted roller derby.  So even though they're both from the 9th, I'm going to deal with them in part 2.  I might mention some G&S too.  Ta ta for now!

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